Bridge of Hope School provides a safe, nurturing and welcoming environment for those in the after school club which runs 5 times a week for children up to the age of 18. Hope for Rehoboth send funds on a bi-monthly basis which enables the club to run. Milly’s vision is to ensure that children will not be left on the streets once school has finished at 1pm.

“It’s all about the children, we strive to provide a safe haven for all those that need one.”

An all too familiar sight prior to the club opening, was to see children as young as 2 rummaging around on the sandy roads, playing with rubbish, hungry and thirsty. Many of the parents/ guardians are forced to work long hours in the city and cannot be with their children in the afternoons.
The after school club provides the children with a safe space to play whilst also allowing children to complete their homework and eat lunch. Counselling is available through the club as the children are mostly orphans and vulnerable children and face many difficult situations.
Milly has recently seen a need to reach out to the local community as well and has started a soup kitchen which runs alongside the after school club.

“For some this is the only meal of the day.”
Milly Bock