Devastating News
We are devastated as a family that our beautiful friend Milly passed away.
Her life and her legacy could fill a book, a short post cannot begin to do her justice or scratch the surface of a life fully lived.
Milly was a complete contradiction. Despite being surrounded by poverty, violence and death from childhood, she poured her life out to others. She really showed us what true servanthood looked like and enriched our lives beyond measure.
She was filled with infectious joy and generosity. You couldn’t spend time in her company and not be both challenged and changed. She lived everyday as if it was her last.
Milly provided a pre-school and school for orphans and vulnerable children with an attached soup kitchen which feeds up to 300 people a day. She provided a safety net for thousands of the poorest children over the years. Her mission will continue.
The pain we feel must be magnified by her family and her friends in Rehoboth who daily journeyed with her.
Our hearts ache for her and the future we no longer have together. We are so blessed to have known her and cherish the times we shared together.
We mourn for her deeply. The bond we shared feels stronger than friendship. It feels like we have lost our sister.
We look forward to the day where death, disease, poverty and tears are no more. Where the party and dancing never stops and we will be united together with our Father in Heaven.
Rest in perfect peace. We loved you.
Matthew & Catherine Humphries & Trustees

Why Rehoboth, Namibia?
Namibia is one of the least populated countries on the planet and is situated northwest of South Africa. With just over 2 million people in a country much larger than the UK, over 50 percent live below the poverty line. The gap between the rich and the poor is one of the world’s largest; poverty amongst plenty. The impact of HIV and difficult social issues means that there are many orphans and vulnerable children.
Rehoboth is a town of 21,000 inhabitants located in the centre of the country and is home to some of the world’s poorest people. Hope for Rehoboth is a UK based charity that funds and supports this crucial work with children.

What We Do…
Milly Bock founded the Bridge of Hope School in 2014 which Hope for Rehoboth supports on a bimonthly basis. The school is a lifeline and a refuge for hundreds of children.
It has been an absolute joy to partner with her to unleash the vision she has to bring a portion of God’s kingdom to some of the neediest in Rehoboth. We are so excited to share your vision.
Milly Bock had a limitless heart for orphans and vulnerable children having been one herself, overcoming difficult and tragic circumstances. Hope for Rehoboth had the privilege of knowing Milly for over a decade.
‘The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few’
(Matthew 9 v37)
Support Us
Hope for Rehoboth gives vital financial support on a bi-monthly basis to the Bridge of Hope School, there are no UK costs to the charity. All administration fees and trips to Rehoboth are covered by the trustees.
Your donation will have a direct positive impact on the lives of some of the world’s poorest children. 100 percent of your donation will go directly to supporting the orphans and vulnerable children.
Please consider giving a one-off payment or partner with us by setting up a monthly donation.
On behalf of all the children of Rehoboth, Thank you.
Milly Bock
(never to be forgotton and the inspiration for all that we do)

Supporting Orphans & Vulnerable Children

Child's Play
Volunteers provide a safe environment for the most


Care & Welfare
To help develop and
The story so far
Milly Bock had a vision to create something which could reach out to the vast number of orphans and vulnerable children within her community. Milly opened up an after-school club in 2011, in her home town of Rehoboth, allowing children an alternative to being on the streets. With no funding and no premises Milly grew her vision from nothing. The club quickly grew in numbers to near 100 children meeting together in a church hall.
In 2013, two of the now trustees “Catherine and Matthew” went out to visit Milly to see for themselves what the project was doing. Seeing that Milly and her husband were funding the whole idea themselves raised questions as to how this project could be sustainable. Milly wanted to create a safe place for these children where they could be fed and nurtured.
This prompted the birth of the charity!
Get Involved
Help with fundraising by organising an event or by being sponsored. This raises the profile of Hope for Rehoboth and is a fun way of making important donations.
Pray for the vital work going on at the school. Prayer is such a crucial part of how we support Milly and her team. We believe it makes a huge difference to the children and all those involved.
Get In Touch
The trustees are here to help, we will happily answer any questions, so please feel free to make contact.