Bridge of Hope school opens at 5.30 am and closes around 6.30 pm, Monday- Friday. Milly does not just run a Primary school but also provides complete wrap-around care to ensure the children are safe. The school offers inclusive education to all from the ages of 0-8 years old. This includes:
Nursery – 0-2 years old
Kindergarten – 2-5 years old
Pre-primary – 6 years old
Grade 1 – 7-8 years old

“Our long term vision is that as the children grow we want to enable the school to expand in order to educate older children as well.”

Namibia has chosen to base their curriculum on the British National Curriculum as English is their National language. However, children speak in their various mother tongues and learn in Afrikaans until Grade 1.
There is a strong emphasis on play and creativity in the early years moving onto exploring Literacy, Mathematics, arts, investigating the world around them, R.E music and P.E. Children are regularly formerly assessed to ensure they reach their full potential. Due to the challenging and often tragic backgrounds the children come from Milly and her staff spend a lot of time helping children with their emotional wellbeing. Many have been exposed to tragic loss, abuse or neglect of some form.
The donations Hope for Rehoboth send to the school bi-monthly enable the day to day running of the project and pay for resources and equipment. One example of this is that we recently bought a photocopier which has transformed what the school can do both within lessons and for admin purposes.
Our long term vision is that as the children grow we want to enable the school to expand in order to educate older children as well.